Gwendydd Gorchinsky Lambo

Gwendydd Gorchinsky Lambo, the first person to receive permission to teach Egyptian High Alchemy and Sacred Relationship according to The Magdalen from Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. In Gwen’s great devotion to The Magdalen and the info in The Magdalen Manuscript, she spent three years, searching for a French publishing company to translate the material. One day she walked into Éditions Ariane, met Martine Vallée, and sold her on the book. The rest is history as the manuscript was immediately translated, put on the marketplace in 4 months and sold to enthusiastic francophone communities worldwide as “Le manuscrit de Marie Madeleine”. As a professional educator, Gwendydd was awestruck by the humility, extraordinary quality and devotion to the Divine Feminine that Tom Kenyon exudes in his published work and Intensive workshops. After many years of research and over 20 years experience in teaching in the public educational field and in Sex Education in particular, the first time she read The Magdalen Manuscript, Gwen felt like a compass pointed True North. Three failed marriages and many loves had brought her to this point in time. She immediately committed to practicing The Alchemies of Horus Mediation and it has proved to be life changing. She wished she had known these practices before all those marriages. Gwendydd co-hosts with Kristen Soha, The Magdalen Manuscript Sacred Sexuality Book Club, a private group on Facebook. One may request an invite to this free study of the Magdalen Manuscript, which takes place every second Sunday night. Reach her at Gwendydd Gorchinsky Lambo on Facebook.

Gwendydd is also a Guardian of the ancient wisdom of Alveoles from the primordial Lnog tribe of the Micmaq’ Nation. These beautiful Alveoles are the breasts of the Earth Mother speaking and providing for Her Earth Children. As the Ilnog trace the geometric pattern of the Flower of Life on the land precisely to the millimeter, aligning it to Star Beings and the Telluric Forces, they practice moment by moment a deep profound and intimate love affair with Gaia Herself in the organization of their encampment, their daily rituals; their community sharings and in their nightly celebrations of Life. It is an orchestral vibration communed with the Great Cosmic Mother above and the Great Earth Mother below. TerramiesFacebook

In bringing Dr. Masaru Emoto to present Messages from Water and his research to Quebec, Canada, Gwendydd was gifted with the guardianship of the ancient Algonquin Women’s Water Ceremony. She has hosted this ceremony for years and has inspired many other women to return to working together with Water and Intention for ourselves, our families, our communities, our living star and for our Cosmos.

A contributing writer for the journal: Dark Matter, Women Witnessing, a Soil Sorceress, a Vermicultrix and a Priestess of the Underworld and the Underworld Mysteries, a Priestess for the Tomb of Metamorphosis and Transformation and an Echo for the Transformational Abilities of the Sexual Earth Mother, Gwendydd is the mother of 3 children and has homeschooled 2 with dyslexia. As owner of TerrÂm(i)es, meaning the Soul Sisters of the Earth, Gwen takes “Sustainability” to new heights with this educational research center on Alveolar Permaculture Design and Sacred Sexual Relationship with Gaia, in Rawdon, Quebec, Canada